《餐廳城市 Restaurant City 》模式是玩家,可以自己建立一個餐廳。 這個遊戲玩法就是經營一間餐廳,賺錢後可以佈置粉飾自己的小小餐廳。每人會有不同的煮食材料,揀好自己心儀的食譜後,便找對自己需要的材料去升級。級數越高,賺的錢便越多。沒有適合材料怎辦,唯有將自己沒用的材料跟朋友交換。 城市餐廳最誘人的地方,並不在於賺進多少的鈔票,而是隨著等級的提昇,越來越多來光顧的客戶,以及為了應付客人需求而加派的好朋友間服務生,一起經營打理親手打造出來充滿個人風格的主題餐廳,隨著餐廳規模的變大,能夠在餐廳裡頭變化的家具擺設,將會是這個遊戲最讓人樂此不疲的主要元素。

Cook up a storm in Restaurant City!
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to start your own restaurant? How about we add a pinch of competition, say, a street full of restaurants run by your friends, allow you to create your own menu of amazing dishes, and top it off with a large dollop of fun? Sounds pretty tasty huh?

Restaurant City lets you run your very own restaurant and employ your friends to work for you as waiters and chefs. And with a wealth of different decorations, furniture and equipment to choose from you can really make your mark with a completely unique restaurant. You can visit your friends' restaurants too and even trade ingredients with them to help you create a menu which ensures your restaurant is the talk of the town!