
Payment 【FAST、PayNow】 Maintenance Notice

Dear Customer,
In order to increase service efficiency, Singapore【FAST】and【PayNow】payment channels will perform a Maintenance Activity.
The maintenance will start on 22nd May 2022, 01:30 AM -05:00 AM (GMT+8) , during a maintenance service, the payment channels will be not available.
We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your kind attention.
Feel free to contact us if you have any question, thanks.
Best regards,
MyCard Customer Service

Singapore Payment Maintenance Notice

Dear Customer,
In order to increase service efficiency, Singapore【FAST】and【PayNow】payment channels will perform a Maintenance Activity.
The maintenance will start on 23rd April 2022, 00:30 AM -02:30 AM (GMT+8) , during a maintenance service, the payment channels will be not available.
We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your kind attention.
Feel free to contact us if you have any question, thanks.
Best regards,
MyCard Customer Service

【NetsQR】Maintenance Completion Notice

Dear Customer,
Singapore payment【NetsQR】maintenance is finished.
You can now have【NetsQR】as a payment option to enjoy seamless and secure shopping experience.Best regards,
MyCard Customer Service

MyCard Price Adjustment Notice

MyCard Price Adjustment Notice
Effectively on 1st September 2021, all MyCard's pricing will be adjusted as to accommodate the differences in currency rates.
New pricing will be available on our official Facebook page on 1st September 2021.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
大馬MyCard將在2021年9月1日開始調整所有MyCard面額之售價, 全新MyCard售價可於大馬MyCard Facebook粉絲團查詢.
感謝您一直以來給予MyCard的支持, 謝謝!

Singapore【NetsQR】maintenance complete announcement

Dear Customer:

Mycard would like to inform you that the maintenance work of online payment channel of Singapore-NetsQR has been completed.
The service is available as usual. Thank you!

MyCard Customer Service Center